25 September 2006

When Labs Go Bad

Every day, in nearly every corner of Our Island, a myriad of laboratories toil at a social experiment that literally holds Our Future in its activities.

Hundreds of thousands of Our People are involved in this most basic and crucial of experiments, one in which the diversity of factors common to humanity are placed under scrutiny and where the conclusions drawn can make the difference between failure and success at many levels.

Our laboratories are funded with largese, but managed with miserly contempt. Instead of the best of equipments, Our laboratories are treated like flea markets or garage sales: whatever's left over or deemed borderline is good enough for the laboratories, where cheap is good and nothing really is good.

These laboratories work with the rawest of materials, the purest of potentials in energy and insight. They then place this invaluable treasure in the hands of the largely-incompetent, those for whom every other profession seemed too hard or too limited in income. These lab workers, already inept at resource management, are thus delegated the incredibly-crucial task of maximizing resources. It is a case of the blind leading those who must learn to see.

No, not all the lab workers are incompetent. But those that aren't--those dedicated few--labor within a system that obsesses with the Past, is mired stuck in the Present and thus has consistently, cynically, even criminally, wasted Our Future for the past four decades.

Our classrooms are the laboratories of a social experiment that may have once been the reflection of an ideal, but has gone horribly wrong, like listening to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony as played by spastic cats on trash can lids. Our laboratories produce nothing of true value for the Future: they simply manage to eject ephemera into the Present.

Is every laboratory bad? Of course not. But it really is a game of numbers, and if the bad labs put out only 1% more than the good, eventually the bad will overwhelm the good. Now imagine if the bad "outproduces" the good by 10%...or 20%...or 40%...or even more. We may argue about the true percentage, you and I, but We both know--We know damn well--that the true percentage is so very far, far away from 1%.

The Jenius Has Spoken.

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