03 May 2006

That Name Tag Guy

Imagine My surprise when in the middle of some routine car maintenace (yes, Puerto Rico is going into the political dumper, but Life goes on) I get a phone call from none other than Scott Ginsberg, That Name Tag Guy, who has exceeded 2,000 days of constant name tag wearing.

Now, let's get something straight: international celebrities don't call Me every day. Sometimes they get a busy signal.

Scott, whom I met at the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) conference back in January, is The Approachability Guy, too. Smart, witty, a polished speaker, creative marketer and thoughtful guide to success, Scott would be on My "Hate List" if he weren't so damn good at what he does.

We chatted for a few minutes and he later sent Me a review copy of his upcoming book on "becoming That Guy." With two successful books under his belt, this one is poised to be his biggest seller yet.

Before I send you off to visit Scott's website, here's the limerick I wrote to congratulate him on his 2,000 days changing the world, one name tag at a time:

There once was a fella named Scott,
Who asked: "Wear a name tag? Why not!"
He slapped one on his vest,
Tattooed one on his chest,
Now I ask "Do the chicks think he's hot?"

Note to all the ladies out there: Yeah, I wrote "chicks". Poetic license only.

Now GO visit Scott's website!

The Jenius Has Spoken.

1 comment:

hellomynameisscott said...

Aw, shucks, Gil. Thanks Jenius!

And no, the chicks don't think the nametag tattoo is hot.

Dang it.
