19 January 2012

Ecological Disaster: $3 A __________ Pop

Hey! Let's play "Fill in The Jenius Blank"! The rules are simple: toss in the expletive you feel best completes My sentence! Be creative! Be filthy! Be hilarious! I am!

Today's topic: allowing four-tracks to run through the Guánica Dry Forest, the only semi-tropical dry forest in the __________ world! See? We're already playing!

A walking piece of dog _____ pretending to be in charge of Our Natural Resources Department has granted permission to let "ecological vehicles" race through the Guánica Dry Forest--at $3 per person. Or __________ vehicle. And by "ecological vehicle" We're really talking about mother_____________ four-tracks.

Not content with this aberration, Daniel "Dog _____" Galán, principal skanky _______ in the coming orgiastic _____fest raping the Dry Forest has also allowed a private company to """manage""" the Visitor Center facilities, in a UNESCO World Heritage Preserve, for the __________ total of $300 a month. On a 5-year contract. Renewable for 5 more mother________________ years if the Dry Forest simply refuses to die.

In the spirit of Orwellian double-speak--in reality, ____________ lies--here's My description of "Dog ______" Galán in his role as overseer of Our Natural Resources: "fucking whore."

I don't do double-speak. And I filled in a blank for you!

First of all, how in the ______________ hell can a site as unique as the Guánica Dry Forest be tossed like a used lottery ticket into the hands of a ________ private company? To run _______________ four-tracks--an estimated 1-_____-thousand a month--across a terrain that has NO twin anywhere in the world? And to allow access to bicycles and excursions beyond that...for 300 ___________ dollars a month?

Obviously, the federal government hasn't signed off on this. Which means that "Dog _____" Galán, aside from being a "_________ whore" (I let you fill in that one!), could be a ________________ thief, extending a non-enforceable contract to a private company in exchange for who-knows-what. That or he is truly _________________, _______________ and _________________ stupid beyond belief.

Thank you for playing "Fill in The Jenius Blank!" Remember, "Dog ______" Galán is a ______________ whore who wants to ___________ the Guánica Dry Forest! I say We ____________ him first. Repeatedly. And sideways, too.

The Jenius Has Spoken.

[Update: 31 January 2012: The ___________ audiotour company with ZERO ecological management experience decided not to take on the contract. Goes to show that even in this ______ for brains chaos We call """government""" We can make enough noise to stop some of the _________________________ parasites from multiplying.]

[Update: 9 February 2012: Over 20,000 trees have been cut down by the ___________________ department of (un)natural resources on land bordering the Guánica Forest. Purpose? To erect energy-producing windmills...which can be placed elsewhere, ____________.  Any one of those trees is worth more than the ____________________________ director of the ____________________ department of (un)natural resources.]


Alfredo Rafael Habersham-Pabón said...

This could also be labeled as "funny"... enraging and ________ funny

GCSchmidt said...

Ms. Conciencia, you get an A+! And I agree with every one of your choices. Well done!

Now if only We could kick these shitters off the pot, hard and with extreme physical damage...